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This game Valorant , once again, is different from PUBG Mobile, Call of Duty, Mobile phone and other titles in the Battle royale

Valorant is one of the most popular tactical shooters of all time, rapidly increasing in popularity after the release in June of 2020
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Valorant is one of the most popular tactical shooters of all time, rapidly increasing in popularity after the release in June of 2020. Today, the game is one of the popular names of shooter enthusiasts and a highly competitive esports title. Now, developer Riot Games suggests that Valorant will come to the mobile platform. 

The developer announced that earlier this month, when the game's phone is carried out, then a year. However, Valorant, the Mobile will be very different from the battle royale game on mobile phones like PUBG Mobile, Call of Duty, Mobile, or Fortnite. For those who know about the game, see what Valorant is and how it is different from the name of PUBG Mobile, Call of Duty Mobile. 

Valorant: What is this game about? 

Valorant is a tactical shooter game in which the game's rules are split into two teams with five players each. The game is a classic of Counter-Strike, shooter game, in its most basic form, in which the team needs to have a bomb site (s), and the other team has to stop the first team, which is located on the matter. 

In addition to the set or dispersing the bombs, each team may also win a single round to kill all the opposing team members. The player could also start with a basic weapon; it is an in-game economic system in which the killing at the end of each round to make them more money they can spend on more powerful weapons and tactical equipment. 

This premise seems very similar to the Counter-Strike: Global attacks içeremez, defamatory, then that's because it is. The card game was co-produced by the CS: GO map designer Salvatore Garozzo. However, what sets it apart is Valorant of Counter-Strike, or you can say a different name. 

Valorant is the "Agent"), and their abilities. 

Instead, to deal with a group of special/the u.s. Navy seal, or a team of terrorists, Counter-Strike, Brave, cope with the creatures called a and the Agents. Each player can choose its agent before the game and play together. The different players in the game have a variety of skills and abilities. These can be offensive, defensive, or tactical capabilities unique to the region. 

The players must use a combination of the game and the super-powers, such power to any other level best to accomplish the task to finish and win. Class of agents has been attacking the "duelists," as Jett, Phoenix, Rain, snow, Rust, and Yuto. This is the Sage, Cypher, and Kylejoy, the 'On-Duty,' which specializes in defense of the tactic, as the blockade by some of the plots of land and to protect their teammates.

At the same time, the" Movers " is the attack of the dealers who are committed to breaking through the enemy's position. This category includes agents, the Sky, the Owl, and the Price. Finally, in the "Controllers," who specializes in what is supposed to set up your team for success, in the control of the eye-line of the map. This category of medicine includes the Viper of Sulphur, Of, and, to date. 

Default, No lines in the game for the two teams met face-to-face, in a match that reaches out over 25 rounds, in which the first group, the ruling political party in Game 13, is the winner of the match. However, there are many other game modes, Spike-Rush, Deathmatch, Scaling, and others, where the rules are slightly different. 

Once again, this game is different from PUBG Mobile, Call of Duty, Mobile phone, and other titles in the Battle Royale. 

Valorant is a battle royale. This is a team-based tactical shooter. Instead of being thrown away on an island, protected against unauthorized use and care-wielding his weapons, the player will appear as a round of the game on opposite ends of the map, to begin with, the game's primary weapon.

Progress by completing a team challenge or killing all the opposite team players in each game round. It's not just an island or an ever-shrinking play zone, unlike PUBG's battle royale mode or a Call of Duty: Mobile. 

The team that will win several rounds wins the game. If you are killed in a single round, game over for you, and you will continue to appear in the next round, unlike the battle royale game in which, to kill you, the game is not going to be the player to watch the game through to the end.

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