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No driving test is necessary to obtain a driver's license! However, as per the new RTO rules, you must do.

Candidates applying for a driver's license no longer need to visit the RTO to administer any appropriate communication
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Driving license

According to new rules announced by the Union Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, a driver's license applicant will no longer have to endure the inconvenient process of visiting Regional Transport Offices (RTOs) and waiting in long lines to have their license created.

The government has recently made some revisions to the principles, making the entire procedure quite simple.

Changes made by the Driver's License Application Centre

Candidates applying for a driver's license no longer need to visit the RTO to administer any appropriate communication, according to new laws and modifications put in place by the national government.

According to the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways' guidelines, people no longer need to wait in large lines to get their driver's licenses.

This could be accomplished instead by registering at any approved driving school.

Such individuals may be required to attend a driving coaching college and pass the communication there, as well as acquire a certificate from the coaching institution for approval. Candidates can then be awarded a driver's license based on the information provided in the certificate.

New requirements for getting a driver's license

From the world of?? training centers to the education of the trainer, the Road, and Transport Ministry has established several conditions and guidelines when it comes to coaching facilities.

Here are a few examples.

*The fact that a 2-wheeler, 3-wheeler, or light-weight automobile coaching facility should have at least one acre of land must be ensured.

*A minimum of 2 acres of land is required for medium and serious traveler product trucks or trailers' instruction centers.

*In terms of the trainer's academic qualifications, he or she should have a minimum of a 12 class pass, at least 5 years of driving experience, and a thorough understanding of traffic rules.

*The ministry has prescribed a teaching program, with a course length of up to four weeks for lightweight autos, and a learning curriculum divided into two parts: theory and practical.

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